
As the weeks fly by and we bounce between spring and winter every couple of days, things are definitely heating up in the classroom. A few things to mention, in math, we are focusing on collecting and managing data. Over the course of the past few weeks students have been generating survey questions and have electronically collected data from their peers through google forms. This week they will be working on creating a graph related to their data.

They will be working on a proposal related to their survey topic. The project details can be viewed by clicking here.  Students will be working on this project in class. They will be creating their proposal electronically.

In language, our reading focus has been on inferring, which has tied in really nicely to interpreting data in graphs. While reading, they are inferring the author's message by using text clues and their schema.

As we move to our writing focus, students are working persuasive writing. Part of their math proposal is to write a letter to a person who will be able to make changes in the area of their topic. For example, some students are writing to Mr. Chaplinsky and some are writing to members of parliament. The focus was that their survey topic had to have a purpose. They had to want to change something or an idea and now they will learn to present their argument in a persuasive letter format.

 Have a great week!